
Bringing the Gospel to life through her personal testimony
Bringing the Gospel to life through her personal testimony
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Linda Vogt Turner seeks to use her work in education and theology to fund efforts to spread her message worldwide. Listen in to hear how she got her start.
After 40 years of church involvement and study, I'm on the mark and set to go-- to do God's will-- together with you--to renew the whole creation and work for peace with justice
I am a woman of faith. I am a writer, faith based speaker and a Christian educator living in Metro Vancouver in the City of New Westminster historically known as the Royal City.
As of November 1, 2019 I am a Professor of Practice in Creative Writing. In June 2017, I earned a Higher Doctorate in Written Communication from the Intercontinental Open University
In December 2011, I completed my Master of Arts Liberal Studies Degree at Simon Fraser University for the successful defence of my thesis project, Mary Magdalene: Her image and relationship to Jesus
Toward the end of my undergraduate studies at Simon Fraser University (SFU), I enrolled in a feminist writing course. I mistakenly thought it was merely a course where I would read the work of feminist writers.
My Instructor, Ms. Betsy Warland asked. "How many of you are writers?" None of us wanted to admit we were writers. Ms. Warland quickly set us straight. She told us we had been writing papers for four years. Moreover, we were most likely feminists because we had enrolled in her class. She then asked us. "Why do you write?"
Going home that night on the sky train, I thought about Ms. Warland’s question. "Why do you write?" I realized, I had been writing to ask the most important question of all. The one that Robert Fulghum asks in It Was On Fire When I Lay Down on it. "What is the Meaning of Life?"
My Mary Magdalene thesis takes a detailed look at the scriptures the western Christian tradition has attributed to her. Her story is like many women's and perhaps yours. Her story embodies the female Jesus, the mother of Christianity who uses her rich faith and her magnificat to spread the Gospel. Tradition depicts her as clinging to the foot of the cross of Jesus or embracing a skull. Scripture puts her in a Garden of tombs. Here she searches for her Lord, trusting in the Resurrection and the Love that is stronger than death and the promise of Eternal Life. Jesus the Rabboni aka Christ the "Son" of God the Father...tells her not to cling to him...but to Go and Tell his brothers/sisters that he must stand up at the right hand of [Christ] the Father when the Father redeems his Bride as the True Vine who clings to him as she has always done! (John 20:17;John 15:1; Joshua 23:8) You know the story. Let my testimony and yours help us tell it faithfully to bring Glory to Christ the Father and the Son. Invite me to sit down with your faith community and share my testimony with you "face to face" so that together we will bring the stories of Jesus into focus. This generation of Christians and the next need to know Christ as the prophet Isaiah foretold (Isaiah 9:6). They need to see how the Woman Jesus called Mary Magdalene, the Cross, and Simon the Black man who carries the Cross of Jesus (Mark 15:21) bring Light to the world and free Jesus (Barabbas) the Son of the Father, the Prince of Peace from prison.
Your support and a generosity will bless others and help me travel to meet with you and others "face to face". As the author of the Pauline Letters penned. "Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12).
I'd love to share my testimony with you and others at your church to share with you God is working in my life. Drop me a line. Or call and invite me for a visit. Perhaps your congregation is curious about what became of Mary Magdalene. There are many theories. My Master's Thesis, personal testimony, and papers written on the earth (on the environment) bring LIGHT to these theories. They reveal how Mary's faith and love for Jesus the Teacher AND Simon the Black bring Glory to God.
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